543 PU Topcoat Binder DTM Low Gloss with 70% Binder - 30% Color Toner, optional (60% Binder – 40% Color Toner on low opacity colours), is a two component, polyurethane topcoat DTM (direct to metal) with a low gloss finish – 20GU/60° gloss reading +/- 10GU this is dependent on color and spray technique.
This Topcoat contains anti corrosion chemicals offering excellent corrosion protection.
543 is especially developed for Industrial OEM and aftermarket repair industry.
Application enables fast operation – reducing costs, excellent air-dry und force dry capabilities.
All Toners are chromate and lead free and provides excellent UV protection.
Recommendation for air-dry, however force-dry will give a higher gloss result.
Selection of hardener, reducer, color, viscosity, application, flash-off time and thickness will all have a influence of the end gloss result too.
Mixing Ratios:
4:1 +0-25% TB543 : AU540 +RS603, RS605, RS607, RS609